Service & Maintenance

With our “CAMP” ( Crystal Audio-Visual Maintenance Plan ) , you just sit back, relax , present and conference.

Timely maintenance check

No solution or system can sustain for long if it’s not properly & timely serviced.

Alike your car, electronic AV products also need timely servicing and maintenance to keep them working smoothly. In today’s busy and tight schedule where the meetings are so tightly bound by time there if technology ditches you, it really shatters all.

Therefore it’s very important to get your AV Equipments regularly serviced and maintained to avoid sudden mishaps which may cause personnel downtime & loss of agenda.

That is why we believe and support our client at every step so that hurdle free and smooth presentation can be held without wasting time on its connection.

Looking for Service & Maintenance? Just send us your requirement and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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