Energy Management

Conserve resources, protect climate and save cost

Providing energy conservation and management services for businesses to help strengthen their bottom line. Our passion is to help organizations make real and lasting conservation improvements that optimize energy usage and reduce power consumption. Our commitment is to educate and assist decision makers in their efforts to implement proven energy-saving strategies in their facilities and operations. Our promise is to work tirelessly and diligently to help companies transform themselves into sustainable, socially responsible organizations, while strengthening their bottom lines.

At Crystal, we recognize the need to conserve energy and natural resources as part of our everyday living. It is our goal to assist companies not only to conserve energy but to make it financially feasible.

Key Features Of our Energy Management Solutions

While total energy management is very complex, there are some relatively simple strategies that can reduce your company’s energy consumption, lower costs, and advance your conservation goals.

Lighting: Energy efficient lighting is an easy way to lower energy bills. When installing or replacing commercial lights, consider the location, conditions, and lighting quality desired. Choose appropriate energy-efficient lamp technology, controls, and other components for a high performance lighting system.

Motors: Reducing the amount of energy it takes to run motors can directly improve your bottom line. Premium efficiency motors equate to significant cost savings, reduced down-time, and increased productivity.

Compressed Air: Compressed air is a major expense in many companies. Compressors can account for 10% of energy use in facilities that require compressed air. Controlling your air compressor’s energy consumption can bring significant savings.

HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) can account for approximately 30% of a business’s energy usage. A well-designed system and comprehensive energy saving techniques can help control your company’s utility costs.

Refrigeration: Saving energy on refrigeration can improve your company’s profitability while reducing harmful carbon emissions into the environment.

We manage planning and operation of energy production and energy consumption units

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